Trying to figure out if a guy is into you over text is like decoding some ancient hieroglyphics.
Are those emojis flirty or just friendly? Is he busy or is he just not that into you? And don’t even get me started on the “read at 7:42 PM but no reply” anxiety spiral.
But here’s the thing: guys aren’t as slick as they think they are. Even over text, they leave breadcrumbs—little signs that scream I’m into you if you know where to look.
Lucky you, because I’ve got the ultimate list of signs he likes you over text.
By the end of this blog, you’ll get an idea of how he truly feels about you!
1. He Texts You First (Like, a Lot)

Guys don’t waste energy texting first unless they really want to talk to you. So, it’s not a coincidence if he’s starting convos, sending memes, or asking about your day upfront.
2. His Replies Are Quick, Like Usain Bolt Quick
Guys are notorious for being distracted, so he’s dropping lightning-fast replies—it’s giving “I can’t get enough of you” energy.
3. You Catch Him Double Texting
Double texting is his not-so-subtle way of saying, “I need you to notice me.”
This could be in the form of a follow-up question, a random thought, or a meme he “just had to share.” Because he doesn’t want the connection to fade—even for a second.
4. He Remembers the Tiniest Deets You Told Him Weeks Ago

Ever mention your favorite coffee order once and he brings it up randomly? That’s no accident, babe.
He’s storing those details away like they’re precious data points, just so he can whip them out and impress you later.
5. Good Morning and Good Night Texts? Oh, He’s Invested.
If you’re the first person he’s texting when he wakes up and the last person he thinks of before crashing, you’re living rent-free in his head.
6. He Sends Memes That Scream, “I Thought of You!”
Memes aren’t just memes; they’re his way of saying, “This reminded me of you, and I couldn’t not share it.” It means that you’re on his mind even when he’s scrolling!
7. His Texts Aren’t Just One-Word Snoozefests
If he’s serving energy in his texts (think full sentences, details, follow-up questions), it’s because he’s actually invested in this conversation. He won’t ever give you those dry “yeah” or “cool” texts.
8. He’s Weirdly Into Knowing Your Day’s Itinerary
“Any plans today?” “What are you doing this evening?”
Girl, he’s not nosy—he’s either just trying to figure out how to fit himself into your day or he’s picturing what you’re up to because he genuinely cares.
9. Flirty Emojis—Wink, Kissy Face, Heart Eyes, You Name It.
Flirty emojis are like the texting version of eye contact. When he throws in that wink or a smirk, he’s testing the waters—seeing if you’ll flirt back.
10. He Shares Random Things About His Day Like You’re His Personal Diary
When a guy starts oversharing random details—like what he had for lunch—it’s because he’s comfortable with you and wants you to feel included in his world.
11. When You’re Offline, He Checks in Like a Lost Puppy
If he notices you’ve gone MIA for a bit and actually checks in, that’s a guy who actually cares. He’s thinking about you and that little worry is just simply adorable!
12. He Playfully Teases You—It’s His Love Language
Does he ever poke fun at your weird food preferences or make jokes about how you can’t text back fast enough (but without being mean)? If yes, then that’s his way of keeping the convo light and fun.
13. He Texts You Late at Night Just to Talk

Midnight convos hit different when they’re filled with laughs and “I don’t know why I told you that” moments.
So, if he’s hitting you up late at night just to chat or say something random, it’s because he feels comfortable with you.
14. You Find Him Lowkey Testing the Waters With Subtle Flirting
Ever caught him slipping in compliments or cheeky remarks like “But you look cute doing that?” He’s just testing your reaction because he wants to see if you’re catching the vibe (and hopefully vibing back).
15. He Asks Oddly Specific Questions to Get to Know You Better
When a guy dives into the details—like “What’s your dream vacation?” or “What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?”—it’s because he genuinely wants to know you.
16. When He’s With Friends, He Still Makes Time to Text You
If he’s out with the boys but still texting you, he’s making sure you know you’re on his mind. Bonus points if he’s lowkey trying to impress you with what they’re up to.
17. He Actually Reads and Responds to Your Long Rants
If he never skims but actually reads your rants down to the last letter, he’s into you girl.
All the more if he responds with empathy, advice, or even cracks a joke just to make you smile!
18. If You Ghost Him, He Texts Again (But Respectfully)
So, you go radio silent for a bit, and instead of freaking out, he sends a sweet follow-up like, “Hey, hope you’re okay!”
Now that’s effort because he wants to let you know that he cares.
19. He Sends Pics or Selfies, Often Randomly
Does he randomly drop a selfie or some “look at cool view” pic? Well, that’s him not just being nice but letting you into his world. And of course, being super comfortable with you.
20. He Shares Music or Playlists That Remind Him of You
Sharing music is basically modern-day poetry.
So, whether it’s a lyric that made him think of you or an entire playlist curated with you in mind, it’s a huge sign he’s got you on his brain.
21. He Finds Excuses to Keep the Convo Going

You know those convos that feel like they should naturally end, but somehow, he’s still texting?
That’s him pulling out random questions, jokes, or “Oh, by the way…” moments just to keep talking to you.
22. You Notice He Mirrors Your Texting Style
A guy picking up your slang like a pro? Or tossing back emojis to you?
That’s not just a guy, but a guy who’s crushing hard on you. Because when someone mirrors your texting style, it’s their way of connecting with you on a deeper level.
23. He Notices Your Mood Changes Through Text
Do you get a “You okay?” as soon as you skip your usual exclamation points like “!!!!!!” or send plain text without any emojis?
If yes, then he pays some next-level attention to you!
24. He Apologizes if He Takes “Too Long” to Reply
Guys don’t apologize for texting delays unless they’re really into you. So, don’t let that “Didn’t mean to leave you hanging” go unnoticed!
25. He Lets You Know He’s Busy but Promises to Text Later
Instead of disappearing into the void when life gets hectic, he lets you know what’s up with something like, “I’m swamped rn, but I’ll text you later.”
It’s thoughtful, consistent, and totally swoon-worthy!
26. He Sends Nostalgic “Remember This?” Texts
Does he often pull out a random meme from your first convo or a shared joke?
That’s his way of reminding you of the connection you two have.
27. He Sends Voice Notes—Because Texting Isn’t Enough
Sometimes texts just don’t cut it. So, if he’s dropping voice notes, he wants you to hear his tone, laugh, and voice.
It’s personal and intimate, and I’m sure you’ll agree: he’s going that extra mile to make sure you feel his energy, even from a distance.
28. You Catch Him Typing, Pausing, and Re-typing

You know that “…” bubble that pops up, disappears, and pops up again? That’s him overthinking every word, trying to craft the perfect reply.
Because guess what? You matter to him a lot, and he wants to impress you.
29. He Texts “Wyd?” but It’s Obvious He Just Wants to Talk
It’s not really about what you’re doing—it’s about him wanting your attention.
That casual “wyd?” is his way of opening the door for a convo, and trust me, he’s hoping you walk through it.
30. His Texts Are Full of GIFs That Perfectly Match the Vibe
If his GIF game is strong, then he’s not just scrolling through his keyword for a random GIF.
Oh no, this guy is putting thought into every little message to curate the perfect response, and honestly, that’s peak effort.
31. He Lowkey Overuses Your Favorite Emoji
Notice how your fave emoji is popping up in all his texts now? He’s clocked what you like, and now he’s using it to connect with you.
Subtle, but seriously sweet!
32. He’s Not Afraid to Send Ugly or Goofy Selfies
You’ve officially hit that level of comfort if he’s dropping pics of his double chin, mid-yawn face, or some random messy moment.
When a guy lets you see his goofy side, he’s 100% vibing with you, girl.
33. He Sends Screenshots of Chats or Convos Just to Hear Your Take
When he shares random screenshots of chats with you, it’s not just about the topic.
He’s trying his best to pull you into his world and keep you in the loop on the little things!